“Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.”  Kathleen Norris

It’s time once again for my annual Gift Guide for Writers. You’re sure to find something here for the writers on your gift list. Or send this blog to those who might be shopping for a gift for you.

I don’t know a writer who isn’t crazy about office supplies. My local Staples is to me what the hardware store is to my husband. Right now, I’m jonesing for these computer key covers from Computer Gear. I just know that martini glass or the one that says Duh! would come in handy.

Let your inner child out to play with this Crayola Executive Pen from ThinkGeek.

See Jane Work has gorgeous file folders, notebooks, notepads, file cards and everything you need to take your office from blah to brilliant. I might not actually be more organized with these file folders, but I could delude myself into thinking so.

One of my favorites every year are the Literary Action Figures from Shakespeare’s Den.  Edgar Allen Poe, Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen and more. Taking time out to pose these figures at your computer may be just the inspiration you need. 

Any booklover (and writers are all booklovers, right?) would love this Personal Library Kit from FredFlare. Bookplates, stamp–everything you need to mark your books before you loan them out.

I’ve always loved journals. Writing by hand is a great way to record inspirations or work out plot problems. I know many writers who are inspired by their dreams, so why not gift one with this Dream Journal?

Speaking of writing down your thoughts, this Z-Pen looks intriguing. Write in longhand and upload it later to a computer.

Books, books, books! Writers will always appreciate books or a gift card to a book store. A couple of interesting references include The Wrong Word Dictionary and The Thinker’s Thesaurus.

And there’s always one of my books. They make great stocking stuffers, or inexpensive gifts for your hairdresser, pet sitter, or some other romance reader in your life. Her Christmas Wish is available now.

Now it’s your turn — do you have a favorite gift you’ve received, related to writing? Or one you’d like to receive?