February 2013

Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.”  – Barbara Kingsolver


Entangled Publishing has released a new Wish List from its editors. Here are some highlights:

Alethea Spiridon Hopson at Indulgence likes those alpha heroes. She’s looking for heroes with interesting occupations — secret agent, hostage negotiator, politician, pilot. She loves tortured heroes and revenge, blackmail, mistaken identity and matchmaker stories.

Stacy Abrams at Bliss would love to see some stories involving amnesia, blackmail or bait and switch schemes. She likes fun, flirty romances and would love stories with multicultural characters, as well as some holiday-themed stories.

Kaleen Harding acquires across imprints. She’s up for some medical stories involving ethical dilemmas, modern-day ghost stories and YA paranormal.

Wendy Chen would love some category length romances with strong, smart heroines. She loves stories about reunited lovers, friends-to-lovers and enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience and reformed bad boys.

Covet is relaunching in March with a new look and editorial director Lauren Ruth is looking for paranormal romances with dark heroes and tough heroines. Cross-species romances (Vampire/demon, vampire/werewolf) especially with a marriage of convenience storyline, would interest her. She also likes stories with a tortured supernatural hero and a sweet, innocent human heroine. Forbidden stories are always popular here. Stories don’t have to be dark — she also likes light and funny paranormal.

Rochelle French with Entangled Suspense would love a cozy mystery series. She’d also love a story with fantasy elements.

Keyron Gerlach wants both category and single title romantic suspense. She likes cowboys and military heroes, and loves stories featuring serial killers and natural disasters.

Theresa Cole would love to see some re-told fairy tales twisted into dark, gritty suspense. She loves stories set in other countries and stories that deal with any kind of religion. She’s also acquiring YA/NA stories A bad boy hero and a twist on a cult, secret society  or mythology will win her.

Kerri-Leigh Grady is looking for romantic comedies and historical romances for 2014. She loves Old West and Regency settings, and would love a f/f story. She’d also be interested in post-apocalyptic romance.

Pat Brigandi wants all kinds of historical romance, including World War II, the Great Depression, Roaring Twenties, and Colonial romance. She’d also like to see a play on some favorite old movies, such as the Ghost and Mrs. Muir or Casablanca.

Heather Howland is on the lookout for military and special-ops stories — the edgier and more dangerous, the better. She’d like sports romance for the YA/NA readers, some YA/NA contemporary thrillers and plenty of romance.

You can read the complete wish list here.


My second book from Entangled Indulgence, The Wedding Gamble, will be out in July. If you haven’t already read by first Entangled release, Always a Bridesmaid, you can grab a copy here. Or here 



Rabbit Valley Comics is seeking stories for a Halloween anthology Tricks and Treats. Rabbit Valley specializes in anthropomorphic fiction — the characters are animals that act like humans.  For the Trick portion of this anthology, the editors are looking for scarcy Halloween stories. Play on classic Halloween tropes. Be innovative. For the Treat portion, think sexy adult stories. Make sure it relates to Halloween. All sexual orientations welcome. Stories shouldn’t be over 10,000 words, and can be shorter. Payment is $100 for the print anthology, with a second $100 payment a year later for the ebook edition. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2013. Find the details here.


Ellora’s Cave is seeking manuscripts for a number of themed collections.

Curve Appeal features Big, Beautiful Women, all types of stories and sub-genres, 20,000 to 45,000 words, deadline March 1, 2013

Boys Will Be Boys — Male/Male stores, all sub-genres and themes, 20,000 to 70,000 words. Deadline May 1, 2013.

Cotillion Christmas Traditions — tradition, non-erotic Regency stories set at Christmas, 12,000 to 25,000 words, Deadline May 15, 2013.

Get all the details here.


As always, feel free to share the information in this blog with others — repost, forward and reprint. Please give me credit as the source and include a link to this blog. Thank you.  Cindi


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“Being a real writer means being able to do the work on a bad day.”  — Norman Mailer


Ladylit Publishing is celebrating its first anniversary with a sizzling collection of lesbian tales called “Anything She Wants.” The editors are  looking for F/F erotica of any subgenre (fiction only).According to editor Harper Bliss: “It doesn’t matter how many characters end up in bed (or anywhere else) together, as long as they are all female. Make your setting original, and make sure there’s a little something more going on than just sex. Whether you’re writing about cougars, first-timers, tomboys or latebians, give us a fully-formed character. We’re open to all varieties of lesbian lust, as long as your story is well-crafted and hot.” The deadline is May 1, 2013. Authors will be paid $30 per story. For more information, go here.


Speeding Star is a new trade imprint from Enslow Publishers, a company known for its educational titles. Speeding Star will focus on stories geared to boys, and the editors are actively seeking submissions. Unagented writers are welcome. Fiction manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 12,000 words, written at a fourth-grade reading level. The editors are especially interested in adventure stories, mysteries, sports stories and fantasy fiction with boy protagonists. Submit the manuscript through their online submission form, found here.


Amazon.com is adding two new imprints for children’s books to its growing list of publishing endeavors. Two Lions will be devoted to children’s picture books through middle grade books, while Skyscape will focus on YA and New Adult titles. Margerey Cuyler heads up Two Lions and Tim Ditlow will oversee Skyscape. Together, the two imprints make up Amazon Children’s Publishing. Query to acp-submit@amazon.com. Attach the complete manuscript for a picture book and the first three chapters for all other works.


Entangled Publishing has a new submissions system that allows authors to submit their work via a web form, then track that submission, reading editor’s comments, etc. If you’ve previously submitted to Entangled and have not heard anything on your submission, you should resubmit using the new form. You can read all about the new process here.


As always, feel free to share the information in this newsletter with others. Please credit me as the source and include a link to this blog. Thank you.  Cindi Myers

“Actors are good liars; writers are good liars with good memories.” Daniel Keys Moran


If you’re a woman and you’re writing a memoir, check out the Cheryl Strayed/VIDA Wild Mountain Memoir Retreat Scholarship. The scholarship will provide the full registration fee for the Wild Mountain Memoir Retreat in Washington’s Cascade Mountains, March 15-17, 2013 to one female writer of literary promise and demonstrated financial need. If you’re interested, you’ll need to submit an application, along with 10 pages of your writing, by February 14, 2013. Find all the details here.


Once again, St. Martin’s Press is joining with Wordharvest and the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference to sponsor the Tony Hillerman Prize for best first mystery novel. Any author, published or unpublished, who has never had a mystery novel published, may enter the contest. Submit your manuscript of at least 60,000 words, in which a murder or other serious crime takes place. The emphasis of the story should be on solving the crime, and the story must be set in Arizona, Colorado, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma or Utah. The winner will be awarded a publishing contract with St. Martin’s Press and a $10,000 advance against royalties. The deadline for entries is June 1, 2013. Find all the details here.


February 28 is the deadline to enter the Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers. First prize is $1,500. The contest is open to any writer whose work has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation of over 4,000. Submit your story, 1,500 to 12,000 words. $15 reading fee. Find the details here.


As always, feel free to share, repost and reprint the information in this blog. Please credit me as the source, and include a link to the blog. Thank you. Cindi Myers